How to Use Digital Technology to Create Unique Customer Experiences

Pine and Korn: Infinite Possibility

The Book

Derived from : Joseph Pine and Kim Korn; Infinite Possibility: Creating Customer Value on the Digital Frontier

The Big Idea

Explorers charted the physical world. Now, the great opportunity is not to explore, it’s to create. Design new worlds that are a fusion of the physical and the real, with the digital and the virtual.

Speed RAP

It’s no longer enough to have a great product or service. It’s the total experience that matters. And, with the help of digital technology the depth and range of possible experiences just became infinite. Blend the virtual with the real to create deeper and richer customer value in ways that your competitors cannot copy.

Your Challenge

Roll up your sleeves, slip on your play hat and start exploring the edges of experience! It’s time to create a third place – a fusion of the real and virtual worlds. This is the key to enriching the value you provide to your customers.

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