Who is the Book Rapper?
Meet Geoff... Geoff McDonald. He's the Book Rapper...

Seven things you might want to know about me...
Reader's Digest
At the age of ten, I completed a quiz in Readers Digest. You were allowed 30 minutes to answer a bunch of questions to see if you could join Mensa. I got them all right in five minutes. I’ve been living under this delusion ever since…
Book Nerd
I’m a book nerd. I love reading. Ideas inspire me. If I become sick, I usually take a hot bath and curl up with a good book. But, not together – I don’t like soggy books. At last count I’ve read 512 books in the past 12 years. Yes, I’ve actually counted them…
The Couch
Book Rapper was born after a mini-tantrum on my couch one day. I wanted to read a book in the middle of the working week instead of doing my client work. So I made a deal with myself, if I could earn money from reading books, I could read them during the day. Given, I was reading lots of books and taking lots of notes anyway, Book Rapper was a natural extension to this – book nerd meets designer.
I used to be an architect. I studied for 7 years in Australia and the US. Then practiced for 2 years in Australia and the UK. I got bored by all the details. I don’t design buildings anymore. Now I design ideas for clients as the Ideas Architect. This could be designing a presentation, designing a board game or writing a book.
I’ve presented at conferences in Australia, New Zealand, Canada and the US. This includes the two most important architectural conferences in the world. Not many Australians can say that! My biggest audience has been about a thousand people, which was a bit of a scary thrill. And, I still get nervous before every presentation!
I’ve written and self-published eight books. And, would you believe the best seller is the one I didn’t intend to publish. Oops! It’s a story for adults cleverly designed as a tale for children. I’ve just finished one called Done: Why you Fail to Finish your Projects and What to Do about it.
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I love sport. I represented my high school at nine different sports. Strangely, I made the All-Australian Intervarsity Baseball team even though I’d only played a couple of times beforehand. I’ve even scored a hole in one in golf. Well sort of… These days I’m watching more than playing. Mmm… maybe I’m getting old?