The Demise of the Leader and the Rise of the Follower

Barbara Kellerman - The End of LeadershipThe Book

Barbara Kellerman, The End of Leadership

The Big Idea

In an increasingly connected and complex world the role of leader is diminished. And, the ordinary person is given greater voice to shape their own future. Leadership as we have known it and relied upon is dead.

Speed RAP

The history of leadership shows a slow and steady redistribution of power from the few to the many. It’s a double whammy! Our respect for leaders declines as their lack of integrity and competence is routinely exposed. And, the tools for having a voice and mobilising action are now in the hands of everyone with internet access.

Your Challenge

What’s your place in life? Do you lead from the front? The rear? Or from within? It’s time to question the roles you play and how you play them. Redefine yourself at work, at home, in your community and in everyday life.

Leaderslip Slideshow


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