Daniel Pink : A Whole New MindThe Book

Daniel H Pink, A Whole New Mind, Allen and Unwin, Crows Nest, 2006

Speed RAP

Logical, rational left-brain thinking is necessary yet no longer enough. The right brain skills of design, story telling, emotional empathy, the big picture, playfulness and creating meaning are the keys to succes

BIG Idea

Pink uses a great ‘right brain’ metaphor that is pulled together into several simple themes. The content is a good ‘symphony’ of what is going on and includes some entertaining ‘stories’. Daniel Pink walks the talk! A quick and easy read and, if you’re in the wrong profession, it may just scare the living daylights out of you!

Your Challenge

Think right by incorporating one of the six senses or aptitudes into your business and your life every month.

[easyazon-link asin=”1594481717″ locale=”us”]Buy A Whole New Mind on Amazon (affiliate)[/easyazon-link]

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