Book Rapper Review : Linchpin
Book Rapper Book Review : Linchpin
The Boo

Seth Godin; Linchpin: Are You Indispensable?; Penguin Group; New York; 2010.
It’s not enough just to show up at your job anymore.
The world of work and commerce has become too competitive for that.
A Linchpin is the vital, essential, pivotal element that holds things together.
You need to be this in your organization.
You need to be indispensable.
- The usual riffs, rants and refreshing gems from Seth.
- It’s a bigger than usual book from Seth - 240 pages.
- A killer Bibliography.
- Lots of stories, examples and anecdotes.
- Simple, easy to read and impactful.
Are you in charge of your career or at the mercy of your boss, the economy or whatever?
This book is big picture career advice for everyone wanting to thrive in our Digital/Internet/Knowledge age.
Who’s It’s For
It’s for anyone with a career.
Hey, that’s you!
More specifically, it’s really for you if you’re up for the biggest game in town: to be your genius self and make your best contribution.
Seth Godin?
In short, Seth Godin is a best-selling author who seems to understand the internet and marketing better than most.
He’s writes about the web, marketing and causing change.
And takes he takes action too with a bunch of seriously great projects!
Rather than tell a big long story about who Seth is here’s a bunch of links for you to find out more...
- Start here at Wikipedia - it includes a list of his books:
- My Favourite Seth Video: for anyone who wants to write a best selling book:
- Founder, Change this:
- Founder, Squidoo:
- Seth’s Website:
- Seth’s Blog: It’s a must read for your digital diet...
Book Rapper Thinks...
When Seth writes you’ve got to take note.
Or at least I do.
When he publishes a new book,
I always get emails from people wanting me to RAP it so they don’t have to read it.
To be cool and up with the RAP pack, you need to know what Seth says.
So I dutifully grabbed a copy of Linchpin and started reading.
And, I’m even more impressed than usual.
This is Seth’s best.The best of his best sellers.
That’s the biggest RAP I can offer!
PS: Personally, it’s great confirmation that Book Rapper is on the right career path. Art > Gift > Freedom. I’m enjoying the gift phase.
Labels: Artist, Career, Gift Culture, Gift Economy, Linchpin, New Work, Purple Cow, Purple You, Seth Godin, Tribes
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