Examples of Centralized and Decentralized Organizations
Examples of Centralized and Decentralized Organizations
Derived from...
Ori Brafman & Rod A. Beckstrom; The Starfish and the Spider
Can you spot a starfish organisation? (Quiz)
RAP2: The Pendulum Swings
In the Industrial Age, the top-down controlled hierarchies of centralized organizations were dominant.
In our Information or Knowledge Age, inspired by the decentralized structure of the Internet, a swing toward loosely connected networks or cells is becoming more common.The immediate future suggests a flood of hybrid organizations that will change our view of organizational structure and leadership. Here's some examples of each type of organization...


- Spiders
- Dictatorship
- Military
- Government
- Television
- Typical Corporation
- General Motors
- Microsoft

- Starfish
- Our Brain
- The Internet
- Alcoholics Anonymous
- Apache Indians
- Terrorist Cells
- Open Source Software
- Peer to Peer Software

- Big Brother
- Wikipedia
- Craigslist
- Toyota
- Skype
- Ebay
- GE
Labels: Business Design, Business Models, Centralize, Decentralization, Fusion, Organizational Structure, Ori Brafman, Rod Beckstrom, Spider and the Starfish
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